2009 John A. Lent Scholarship
in Comics Studies
Students of comics!ICAF, the International Comic Arts Forum (
website), is proud to hold each year the
John A. Lent Scholarship in Comics Studies competition. The Lent Scholarship, named for pioneering teacher and researcher
Dr. John A. Lent, is offered to encourage student research into comic art. ICAF awards the Lent Scholarship to a current student who has authored, or is in the process of authoring, a substantial research-based writing project about comics. (Preference is given to master’s theses and doctoral dissertations, but all students of comics are encouraged to apply.) The Scholarship was established in 2005.
The Scholarship is subject to the condition that the recipient present a half-hour talk, based on her or his research, during ICAF. The award consists of up to US$500 in kind to offset the cost of travel to and/or accommodations at the conference. A commemorative letter and plaque are also awarded. No cash is awarded.
Applicants must be students, or must show acceptance into an academic program, at the time of application. For example, applicants for ICAF 2009 must show proof of student status for the academic year 2008-2009, or proof that they have been accepted into an academic program beginning in academic year 2009-2010.
The Scholarship competition is adjudicated by a three-person committee chosen from among the members of ICAF’s Executive Committee. Applications should consist of the following written materials, sent electronically in PDF form:
- A self-contained excerpt from the project in question, not to exceed twenty (20) double-spaced pages of typescript.
- A brief cover letter, introducing the applicant and explaining the nature of the project.
- The applicant’s professional resume.
- A brief letter of reference, on school letterhead, from a teacher or academic advisor (preferably thesis director), establishing the applicant’s student status and speaking to her/his qualifications as a researcher and presenter.
PLEASE NOTE that applications for the Lent Scholarship are handled entirely separately from ICAF’s general Call for Proposals (which can be viewed
here). Students who submit abstracts to the general CFP are welcome to apply separately for the Lent Award.
Send inquiries and application materials via email to
Ana Merino of the ICAF Executive Committee, at
ana.merino [at] dartmouth.edu. The deadline for 2009 submissions is
May 1, 2009.
Image Credit: Photo of Prof. Lent from the website of The International Journal of Comic Art, one of his myriad contributions not just to comics scholarship but to scholarship and international understanding in general.Labels: academic, awards, cfps, ICAF, John Lent, students