Sunday, September 25, 2005
About Me
Dr. Kannenberg is the director of and the publisher of Aino Press.

Books with Contributions by's
Gene Kannenberg, Jr.
Comic Art Blogroll
- 20 Questions with Cartoonists
- arf lovers
- The Beat (via PW)
- Booklust - tag:Cartoons and Comic Art
- Boyd's Blog - tag:Comics
- Cartoon Brew
- Chris's Invincible Super-Blog
- Comic Adventures in Academia
- Comic Book Heaven
- Comics Commentary
- The Comics Curmudgeon
- The Comics Reporter
- Comics DC
- The Cultural Gutter
- The Daily Monkey [inactive but essential]
- Daryl Cagle's Cartoon Web Log
- datajunkie
- Dial B for Blog
- Discourse Chronicle: Comics
- Doctor Comics
- Drawn!
- Gallery Comics
- glycon's LiveJournal / why I love The Master...
- Hulk's Diary [inactive but essential]
- I am Not the Beastmaster
- ICv2 Comics News
- ¡Journalista!
- Library of Babble
- Living Between Wednesdays
- Madinkbeard
- MightyGodKing -tag:comics
- Mike Lynch Cartoons
- News from M.E.
- Newsarama
- Positive Ape Index [Coop]
- Potrzebie
- The Pulse
- PW Comics Week & Graphic Novel, Manga, Anime, Comics Reviews
- Quotes on Comics
- Rob’s ComicsStructuralist
- S.R. Bissette (formerly MyRant)
- See Hatfield
- Sequential: Canadian Comix News & Culture
- The Silent Penultimate Panel Watch [inactive but essential]
- Stripper's Guide
- Thought Balloonists
- The Visual Linguist
- xkcd: the blag of the webcomic
Academic Journals
- 9e Art
- Deutsche Comicforschung
- European Comic Art
- Image [&] Narrative
- ImageText
- inks: cartoon and comic art studies
- International Journal of Comic Art
- Mechademia
- SIGNs – Studies in Graphic Narratives
- For more information on these and other journals, see
Academic Publishers
Previous Posts
- This blog has moved
- New Review: THE ART OF DITKO
- "New York, the Super-City" Tuesday March 9th at 6:...
- CFP: "The Arts and the Public"; NEASA Conference (...
- CFP: Read Feather Journal (June 1)
- CFP: Contemporary Comics (March 25; May 21)
- Call for Papers: 'Surrealism, Science Fiction, and...
- CFP: Phoenix Comicon Comic Art Conference (3/30; 5...
- ImageText 5.1 Published
- The Use of Sequential Art in Therapy: A Qualitativ...
- March 2005
- April 2005
- May 2005
- July 2005
- August 2005
- September 2005
- October 2005
- November 2005
- December 2005
- January 2006
- February 2006
- March 2006
- April 2006
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- June 2006
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- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
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- March 2010