CFP: Linguistics & the Study of Comics (edited collection; Nov. 16)

Call for Proposals
Linguistics & the Study of Comics
(Edited Collection)
Submission Deadline:
Monday 16 November 2009
Any aspect of linguistic theory and analysis is welcome, and all submissions should appeal to both comics scholars and linguists. All forms of comics will be considered: graphic novels, comic strips, comic books, on-line comics, videos, etc.
Scholarship in non-English and multilingual comics is especially encouraged.
Contributor Guidelines
- Abstracts of 400-500 words accepted. Papers of 5000-8000 words, including notes and bibliography, accepted.
- One-page tailored curriculum vitae for each author and co-author. (Narrative CVs are fine.)
- All documents should be submitted as Word or Word-compatible files. PDFs are also acceptable.
- Submission deadline: Monday 16 November 2009.
- Materials should be sent to Frank Bramlett via email: fbramlett [at]
Possible topics for this edited collection
pidgin/creole studies * politeness theory
conversation analysis * language variation
speech act theory * bilingual/multilingual texts
conversation analysis * language variation
speech act theory * bilingual/multilingual texts
intercultural communication * language & gender
language & sexuality * code switching * phonology
morphology * syntax * semantics * corpus linguistics
cognitive linguistics * interactional sociolinguistics
standard/prestige language * language policy
language & ethnicity/race * constructed languages
critical discourse analysis * language socialization
language death * language preservation
Labels: academic, cfps, linguistics