Sunday, January 22, 2006

Recent Additions to the Comics Scholarship Annotated Bibliographies

Long Time, No Blog Dep't: Yes, I know; it's been about a month since I posted anything here, but that's about to change. [Insert typical New Year's Resolution here - But I swear, I'm gonna keep to it this time.] In fact, I plan to make better use of this blog as I originally intended it: As a news site not just for miscellaneous comics news, but also for updates to my Comics Scholarship Annotated Bibliographies []. To that end, here are the books I've recently added to - or edited at - the website. (Note: Click on a book's title to go to the book's Table of Contents at; click "Buy It!" to buy the book from Remember, your purchases via these links help support To wit:
Cary, Stephen. Going Graphic: Comics at Work in the Multilingual Classroom. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2004. 218pp. ISBN 0325004757 (paper). Buy It!

Couch, N.C. Christopher and Stephen Weiner. The Will Eisner Companion. New York: DC Comics, 2005. 176pp. ISBN 1401204228 (hc). Buy It!

Elder, Will. Will Elder: The Mad Playboy of Art. Intro. Daniel Clowes. Seattle, WA: Fantagraphics, 2003. 392pp. ISBN 1560976039 (cloth), 1560975601 (paper). Buy It!

Gravett, Paul. Manga: Sixty Years of Japanese Comics. London: Lawrence King / New York: Harper Design International, 2004. 176pp. ISBN (paper). Buy It!

Hinds, Harold E. Jr. and Charles M. Tatum. Not Just for Children: The Mexican Comic Book in the Late 1960s and 1970s. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992. 245pp. ISBN 0313254672 (cloth). Buy It!

Jones, Dudley and Tony Watkins, eds. A Necessary Fantasy?: The Heroic Figure in Children's Popular Culture. Garland reference library of the humanities; v. 1873 - Children's literature and culture; v. 18. New York and London: Garland, 2000. 410pp. ISBN 0815318448 (hc). Buy it!

Schulz, Charles M. with R. Smith Kiliper. Charlie Brown, Snoopy and Me, and all the other Peanuts characters. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1980. 128pp. ISBN 038515805X (trade), 0385158068 (prebound). Buy It!

Scott, Randall W.
Comic Books and Strips: An Information Sourcebook. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx P, 1988. 152pp. ISBN 089774389X (paper). Buy It!

Strömberg, Frederik. Black Images in the Comics: A Visual History. Foreword by Charles R. Johnson. Seattle, WA: Fantagraphics, 2003. 264 pp. ISBN 1560975466 (cloth). Buy It!
Be sure to return for more updates! And if you have any suggestions for new additons to, please let me know.


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Blogger Crispinus said...

'Bout frickin' time.

1/23/2006 2:19 PM  
Blogger Gene K. said... thanks you for your informative comment.

1/23/2006 2:28 PM  
Blogger K. A. Laity said...

When are you going to mention the new brouhaha that threatens to tear the comix world apart? As noted in Emma Tinker's review of Daniel Raeburn's Chris Ware, "Although the bibliography is valuable for its inclusion of Ware’s commercial design work, its list of secondary criticism is largely useless from an academic perspective. Where, for example, is Gene Kannenberg’s essay “The Comics of Chris Ware: Text, Image and Visual Narrative Strategies” (2002)?"

Where indeed! The very streets ring with the hollow snorts of derision. Fools!

1/25/2006 7:44 PM  

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