Perry, George, and Alan Aldridge. The Penguin Book of Comics. 1967, 1971. 1989: New Introduction. NY: Viking-Penguin, 1989. ind. 272 pp. ISBN 0-14-002802-1.
  1. The Comics--What Can They Give Us? . . . 9
  2. Britain--the Comic Cuts Tradition . . . 45
  3. The American Revolution -- in Comics . . . 93
  4. Whatever Happened to the Comic Book? . . .163
  5. 'You Mean they have Newspaper Strips in Britain?' . . . 199
  6. Comics and the Cultural Overflow . . . 231

Review by Gene Kannenberg, Jr.:

This book contains useful information on the development of--especially--British comics, though the treatment of US work is generally competent. Particularly useful are (1) the attempt at situating comics work on both shores in the context of publishing (politics and printing), delving deeper than the usual nod to the US "yellow journalism" wars; and (2) the book's "Comics/Picture" sections, filled with generous samplings of illustrations and commentary.

 Strips occupy a priviledged position here; comic books in Britain garner relatively scant attention, while US books receive a bit more, though certainly not approaching any real depth: illustrations in the "Comic Section" for US books jump from Famous Funnies #1 directly to post-Kirby Fantastic Four pages. In part this oversight can be attributed to the book's original publication date (1967), but also to Perry and Alrdidge's obvious attraction to the strip.

Perry's 1989 Introduction describes the work as "a period piece"--and the book does reflect a late-60s aesthetic sensibility. It also provides a wealth of comic strip samples. is Copyright © Gene Kannenberg, Jr.,
All Reviews are Copyright © Their Respective Authors. 
These documents may be reproduced only in full and only for personal or academic research. This Page Last Updated 20 July 2000.